Impatiens sodenii is a very easy plant to grow. In the summer, it can be gown outside, in shadow or in full sun. In the full sun, the leaves turn a reddish colour which makes the plant more attractive. It flowers well with white flowers for the ‘ordinary’ sodenii, also known as ssp. sodenii, and pink for the ssp. oliveri. There is a third variety, ‘Magenta Flash’, with a much larger splash of bright red in the center of the flower. The plants grown in shade can reach a height of 3 metres, but those grown in the sun stay a lot smaller, up to about 1 metre. This species is found in Kenia and Tanzania, growing in exposed rocky outcrops where it stays a lot smaller, also depending on the amout of rain it gets.
It is easily grown from seed or cuttings, preferably in the spring to get a good start. It is not fussy as regards the soil requirement, but does like regular feeding. As with most Impatiens, it does not like frost, so make sure to bring it back inside before the winter.


Impatiens sodenii ssp. oliveri

Impatiens sodenii ssp. oliveri


Impatiens sodenii ssp. sodenii

Impatiens sodenii ssp. sodenii


Impatiens sodenii Magenta Flash

Impatiens sodenii Magenta Flash

This small impatiens comes from the Kitulo Plateau in Tanzania and is not known from anywhere else. It is extremely rare in cultivation and I do not yet have enough stock to offer it in my shop, but hope to be able to do so in the next couple of years. Propagation is by seed and therefore slower than from cuttings.

Impatiens rosulatum