Impatiens niamniamensisis is a tropical species from the Democratic Republic of Congo and is a very easy plant to grow. It can reach a height of about 2 metres and will spread outwards if you let it. It is easy to propagate by tip-cuttings; it will root in about 4-6 weeks by a temperature of about 20°C. The flowerbuds do not need to be removed from the cuttings, because this has no effect on the rooting.

It likes a minimum temperature of 10°C and will carry on flowering throughout the winter. The red and yellow flowers are mainly produced in the top of the plant, but also along the leafless stem. It is not fussy as regards soil, but prefers a moist soil that does not dry out too quickly.
Another common sort is the type with pink and green flowers which has the same growth habits and requires similar conditions. They are relatively pest-free, but watch out for scale and spint.


Impatiens niamniamensis

Impatiens niamniamensis

Impatiens niamniamensis pink and green

Impatiens niamniamensis pink and green