The genus Mirabilis is found in North and South America. The genus contains about seventy species, not all of which have tubers. Some are annuals, others perennials. Mirabilis jalapa comes from tropical America. It is a very easy plant to grow, not requiring specific temperatures, but NO frost. It will grow in most soils and is an ideal plants for collectors.
There are three main colours of flower: red, yellow and white. You cannot judge from the tuber what colour the flower is going to be, but once it shoots, the red one shows far darker leaves (see picture below). The white and yellow ones have pure green leaves and you need to wait for the flowers to see what colour they are. The flowers are fragrant and open in late afternoon. Allegedly they stay open all night, but I never lost any sleep trying to prove that, so cannot guarantee it.
The tubers normally grow underground, but you can raise them above the ground so you can see them. In the summer, the plant can be grown outside, but make sure to bring it back inside before it gets too cold.


Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa


Mirabilis jalapa tuber

Mirabilis jalapa tuber