This plant was collected in Tentena, Sulawesi in 1994 and is not found outside this Indonesian island. We collected it as the sixth species on the first day of our trip. It was mistakenly identified at first as Hoya incurvula, but further investigation showed that it was another species. It is a very easy species, because it can be grown in shade or almost full sun. The leaves will turn a reddish colour if the plant is kept in the sun. It flowers very freely and can surprise you with seedpods in the autumn as it is easily pollinated by moths. The species GPS 8836 is a white-flowered one.
A botanical description can be found in D. Kleijn & R. van Donkelaar, “Taxonomy and Ecology of the Genus Hoya (Ascepiadaceae) in Central Sulawesi” in Blumea 46 (2001), p. 467.


Hoya brevialata GPS 8836

Hoya brevialata GPS 8836